Wednesday, May 16, 2012

From fullness to fullness in fullness...

Yanni wrote: "When Al (Drucker) was staying in the house with Baba in Kodicanal, Baba was repeating this mantra softly, sweetly, endlessly".

PUR - NA - MA - DA (That is full)
PUR - NA - MI - DAM (This is full)
PUR - NAT (From that full... )
PUR - NA - MU - DAT - CHA - TE (This full was created)
PUR - NAS - YA (And that full)
PUR - NA - MA - DA - YA (Remains ever full)
PUR - NA - ME - VA (And this fullness is no less than that)
VA - SHISH - YA - TE (All is equal ever expanding fullness)

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

All of this...

"Premaswaroopalara" embodiments of love..."Divya Atmaswaroopalara" embodiments of divine Atma...

This is how he addressed us when he looked out on the sea of faces.  He looked at us and saw only love...only Atma.  We saw our beloved and the Beloved saw only Himself.

"I separated myself from myself and became all of THIS"
      Sri Sathya Sai Baba