As the story goes, Krishna (as the cow-herd boy) manifested himself to dance simultaneously with each individual Gopika (his milk-maid devotees).
Very early devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba recount a similar story. The devotees were told by Sai after stringing flowers on thread for garlands, to collect them all, “roll them into balls” and to “throw the balls at Him.” “The devotees threw the balls of flowers in all directions (and) wherever a ball went, Baba was always there to catch it. Soon everyone was running around in circles, and Baba appeared (as being) with all of them.”
Very early devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba recount a similar story. The devotees were told by Sai after stringing flowers on thread for garlands, to collect them all, “roll them into balls” and to “throw the balls at Him.” “The devotees threw the balls of flowers in all directions (and) wherever a ball went, Baba was always there to catch it. Soon everyone was running around in circles, and Baba appeared (as being) with all of them.”
Later in conversation the devotees began to argue,“each one saying that Baba had danced only with them.” This was Sai’s response: “…in those days, Krishna used to play like this with the Gopikas. Krishna simultaneously danced with each one of the Gopikas as proof of His all-pervasive presence in the universe. That is what you too have experienced today.”
What IS this "presence" which is “all pervasive in the universe”? What IS it that makes up the world of our knowing and not knowing? What pervades all that is animate AND inanimate? What pervades all from the sub atomic level, to the largest galaxies and beyond? Know THAT, and as Sai has said, all will be known.
Where do we start the journey toward this “KNOWING" if not but from right here, right now? Each traveler along the way will walk a different path but each journey always begins now. The body cannot move ahead of itself. Though it is the way of the mind to do so…to move ahead and to look behind while missing the spot where the body stands here in this moment. Where else can we know THAT which is eternally present except now, in the present? Can the present be found in the past or future? No. But the past and future can be found right here in the present, because being truly in the present collapses time.
THAT which pervades and is the entire universe is dancing with each and every one of us, (AS us), NOW. We are the cosmic dance itself. THAT which is all pervasive has lifted us barefoot onto its feet, put its arms around us, and is spinning us into itself, NOW.